Animals Care
Offering care for a variety of pets!
Our veterinarians see a variety of "non-traditional" pets including non-venomous reptiles, backyard poultry, exotic pets, and small mammals known as “pocket pets”. Other unique species may be approved by the doctor, so please ask! Your pet can benefit greatly from regular checkups and wellness visits. Even for the most observant owner, the onset of health conditions can be gradual and difficult to detect. This is why we recommend regular examinations for all exotic pets such as rabbits, gerbils, turtles, lizards, and snakes.
At Integrative Animal Hospital of Central Florida, we have the knowledge, training, and tools to provide quality veterinary care for all varieties of pets, including:

Dog & Cat Care
Keep your cat or dog healthy.
Pocket Pet Care
Services for nontraditional pets.
Exotic Pet Care
Care for nontraditional pets.
Avian Care
Wellness and sick exams for birds